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C# programming भाषा में iOS iPhone का IP Address कैसे निकाले


you can use the System.Net.Dns class to perform a reverse DNS lookup on the hostname "iphone-wi.local" or "iphone-cell.local" using the GetHostAddresses method.
This will return an array of IP Address objects, and you can use the Address property of the IP Address object to get the IP address as a string.

Write this code on your class file :

using System; 

using System.Net; 

IPAddress[] addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses("iphone-wi.local"); 

foreach (IPAddress address in addresses)


Console.WriteLine("IP Address: " + address.ToString()); 


This will only work if the iPhone is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the computer running the C# code.

You can also use the same approach for the cellular network by replacing "iphone-wi.local" with "iphone-cell.local" Keep in mind that this method may not work if the iPhone has a private IP address assigned by a cellular network or if the reverse DNS lookup fails.


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